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This is a list of currently available arrangements by David Wright. The absence of an arrangement on this list may be due to one or more of the following: 

  1. It is still being reserved exclusively for the group for whom it was created.

  2. There is a problem or delay with the legal clearance of the arrangement.

  3. The arrangement was done a long time ago and no longer lives up to the arranger's standards.

  4. The song contains lyrics that may be insensitive in today's world.

Each arrangement is classified (M) or (F) according to whether it is for male or female voices. A number of arrangements, marked (M/F), are available for either men or women.  There are a few arrangements listed as (MV); that means it is intended for mixed voices.

ARRANGER'S FEE: This applies ONLY to those arrangements handled by me, marked (DW) (see below); for arrangements handled by Sheet Music Plus (SMP), the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS), or Sweet Adelines International (SAI), the arranger's fee is built into their fee, which also pays the copyright holder. If I handle the arrangement's distribution please contact me directly at

CONTEST ARRANGEMENTS: Those arrangements which meet the musical standards for a barbershop contest are marked with an asterisk (*). This means the arrangement was created as a contest arrangement or has become contest-worthy by virtue of changing standards. A few are controversial and/or borderline, and some may not meet the standards of Sweet Adelines International, whose requirements are slightly more restrictive than those of the Barbershop Harmony Society and its affiliate organizations (although this may be changing).


CAUTION: Many of these arrangements were created for very accomplished performers and tailored to their voices. They may be too difficult for most quartets and choruses. I have denoted by "very difficult" those arrangements which I would not recommend to most mortals. In many cases I indicate where the arrangement is recorded, with a link when possible.


To Obtain an Arrangement

The process depends on which of the four markings (SMP), (BHS), (SAI), or (DW) appears with the arrangement's listing on the arrangement list.

Arrangements marked "SMP" or "SMD"

To see the per copy fee, go to the choir listing at Sheet Music Plus or Sheet Music Direct.  My arrangements are here.  Do a search for the arrangement, and be sure to select the one for your group:  M, F, quartet, chorus, etc.  If you are ordering for a quartet or small ensemble, there is a per copy price.  If you are ordering for a chorus or choir, the price is per copy with a 10-copy minimum.  As stated above, for these songs the per-copy fee includes the arranger's fee for that arrangement.  For arrangements marked SMP or SMD the description is followed by a link that may be M. F, MV, Qt, Ch, MQt, FQt, MVQt. or SE (for Small Ensemble, meaning the arrangement has more than four parts).  These links go directly to the page on SMP where that arrangement can be purchased.  These arrangements have international rights, hence can be purchased and legally performed anywhere.  NOTE: If you are purchasing for a quartet be sure you select the listing that has quartet pricing.  It is cheaper that purchasing the minimum of 10 copies from the chorus listing.

Arrangements marked "BHS"

This designation is for arrangements, men's and women's, that were legally cleared through BHS and are not on Sheet Music Plus or Sweet Adelines International.  Check the link ( to see if it is listed in the catalog with a per copy price.  If not, the arrangement will likely need to be relicensed, which can be expensive.  Before pursuing this, you may wish to contact me ( to see if the arrangement can be uploaded to Sheet Music Plus.  If so, I will do that.  Otherwise, you should contact Janice Bane at BHS (copy me in the email) to see what needs to be done.  NOTE:  In many cases, BHS cannot handle international rights, and in such cases, it will be necessary for you to obtain copyright permission in your own country if you live outside the United States and Canada.


Arrangements marked "SAI"

These arrangements appear on the list of arrangements at Sweet Adelines International. Please note that you must be a member of Sweet Adelines International to purchase arrangements from SAI.  You may go through the members-only page, the the shop/search page, or call  1-800-992-7464 and ask for the Music Services Department.

Arrangements marked "DW"

These are arrangements for which I hold the copyright and maintain control.  To obtain one of these arrangements, please send a written request to me at Unless otherwise noted, I ask for $50 for single-song arrangements and $75 for medleys.  I accept checks, PayPal and Venmo.

In All Cases

Going through official channels allows you to legally make the appropriate number of copies of the music. In the case of contest arrangements.  This procedure satisfies the legal clearance requirements of the Barbershop Harmony Society, Sweet Adelines International, and Harmony Incorporated for contest music.  If you are a music educator, this will also allow you to continue using the sheet music from year to year if you number and collect the copies for your students.


NO TRANSCRIBING, PLEASE: I kindly request that there be no transcribing or re-keying of these arrangements. Only (legally cleared) photocopies or printouts of the unaltered original copy are to be made. Incidental changes can be noted on these copies. I am not willing to send Finale files of arrangements. NOTE: "Re-keying" does not mean singing the song in a different key, but rather re-entering the arrangement on some musical notation software.


NO FLATTING: This arranger dislikes the sound of a sagging tonal center. Therefore the proper key, relative to the initial key, should be always maintained. If an arrangement goes flat, the arrangement police will enter the premises and collect a fine of $10 per singer per semitone flatted, with an extra $2 assessed against leads. All flatting fines will be donated to the Young Singers Foundation.

LEARNING FILES: I am unable to provide learning files for arrangements. In some cases, the arrangement list provides links to recordings of arrangements. Learning files for a growing number of my arrangements are available from Tim Waurick.  I highly recommend these very high-quality learning tools. See Tim's website at

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